Letter of Recommendation (LORs)

What are LORs?

LORs stands for Letter of Recommendation, which are letters written by a person who knows you well, typically a professor, supervisor, or mentor, to support your application for a university program, scholarship, or job.

LORs are typically requested by the institution or organization to which you are applying, and insights into your abilities, character, and potential beyond what is conveyed in your academic record or resume.

In a typical LOR, the recommender will describe your academic and/or professional accomplishments, highlight your strengths, and provide examples of your personal qualities that make you an excellent candidate for the opportunity you are seeking. LORs can help to demonstrate your potential to succeed in a particular academic or professional setting, and can set you apart from other applicants who may have similar qualifications.

It’s important to choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your abilities and potential in a positive way. When requesting LORs, be sure to provide your recommenders with any necessary instructions or guidelines, such as the format and submission deadline, and give them ample time to write and submit their letters.

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